While there are loads of great embroidery transfers out there that you can purchase, sometimes you just need to make your own to get the look or subject matter you are looking for. Luckily, this is an incredibly easy thing to do and one that can be pretty rewarding when you get the finished product. Before you begin, you’ll want to make sure you have the following materials on hand:
Supplies Needed: Paper, tracing paper, embroidery transfer pen or pencil, iron, fabric ground.

Start by drawing the design you'd like on a regular old sheet of paper. Make sure to measure it so it will fit on the fabric you plan to transfer it to when you are done.

Next, you'll want to trace the image with a dark pen so it will be easy to transfer to a sheet of tracing paper.

Then you'll use your transfer pencil or pen to trace around the original design on a sheet of tracing paper. Make sure to get a good, solid line if you're using a pencil. I would not recommend a red pencil, such as this, as blue is easier to see (in my opinion, anyway) but I couldn't find one and this will do just fine.

When you've finished tracing, cut the image down to size and pin it to the fabric where you'd like it to appear. Make sure it's pinned well so it won't move around.

Iron the transfer using the hottest setting on your iron. Make sure there's no water inside when you do it, or you'll end up with a mess. If you've done it right, the image should transfer.

Now you're ready to choose your colors and begin sewing. Be careful rubbing too much on the transfer; it's not meant to last so it will come off.

When you're done, you'll have a personalized towel, pillowcase, pillow, etc to use around the house or give as a gift!
I know there are some of you out there thinking, “no way I can draw anything I’d remotely want to sew.” No problem at all! There are numerous sites where you can print out or buy designs that you can use. Try these on for size:
- Needlecrafter.com— Loads of basic patterns to be found here.
- PatternBee.com— Buy iron ons or PDF print outs here.
- Free Embroidery Patterns Around the Web— Here you’ll find an article detailing numerous sites with transfer patterns.
- Vintage Transfer Finds— Like old school designs? Check out this blog for a great collection.
1 Comment
Thanks a lot for sharing this idea… I heard it works also great with laser prints… Have you ever tried it as well ?