Crafts Sewing

DIY Hedgehog Pincushion: Cute, Easy and Cheap

May 14, 2010

I just ordered a sewing machine this week and I have been rushing around trying to get together all the things I’ll actually need if I want to make something. Like anything, getting started takes a bit of an investment, but I think it will pay off in the long run when I get to sew all kinds of fun things. Part of my sewing machine prep work was to make a pincushion. I hand sewed this little hedgehog together using some felt and embroidery thread. It took a couple of hours and a few revisions from my original plan, but I think it came together pretty adorably. If you, too, would like a cute animal to impale with your sewing supplies it doesn’t take much skill or money to make one.

I started out with a pattern that I found online.
You can get it larger from the Urban Debris site. I changed it a little because I wanted my hedgie to have a different color face than body. If you do choose to use the pattern, make sure that you take into account whether you want to sew it on the inside or the outside. If you want your stitches hidden you’ll need to leave extra fabric around the edges when you cut out the fabric. What colors you use and how you choose to sew the face are up to you.  Of course, hedgehogs aren’t the only cute way to make a pincushion. Here are some other  pincushion designs to consider.

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  • Reply buzz buzz May 15, 2010 at 7:57 pm

    I don’t think it is right to put needles in animals.

    • Reply Cynthianne October 20, 2012 at 8:44 am

      Lets hope that is simply sarcasm.

  • Reply Rachel May 17, 2010 at 8:46 pm

    These are all so cute! I wish I sewed more so I could make one. 🙂

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