After paying $8 for an air plant at a local greenhouse, I was happy to see them growing wild in the jungles of Mexico on vacation last year (if only I could have brought some home with me. Stupid international laws). They’re interesting plants and relatively easy to care for (though sad to say my own plant died while I was away. A week without water was more than it could handle) and can make a really cool addition to indoor greenery. Part of that is because they don’t need to be put in a pot to grow. Those in the genus Tillandsia are epiphytes, meaning they draw their nutrients through the leaves rather than the roots, so you can put them on anything and anywhere (provided it’s sunny) that you want.
Lately I’ve been wanting to pick up another one to display in a piece of driftwood or a pretty glass container as they’re something a bit different from the standard houseplant. Here are some photos of particularly striking air plant displays.
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