Because I’ve been a champ about working the past few weeks, I’ve had a lot of free time to do things like spend money, eat too much and browse in thrift stores. Very often, going to the thrift store is a total bust, but I have found a few cute things over the past few weeks that I’ll share here:
I have far too many owls already but I just keep buying them. I thought this one was cute.
I bought this silverware primarily for the tea stirring spoons, but I thought it would be cool for serving. Silverware made with real silver (even just plating) looks so pretty compared to the stainless steel kind.
I looked this set up on the web and found out that it is actually from the 1930’s. A lot older than I had thought. Not worth a dang thing, but still pretty.
I also picked up this Le Creuset pot. I have no idea what the heck it’s for, I just really loved the color and figured I’d find something to use it for that would make it worth having. Plus, who can pass up cheap Le Creuset?
This little sun tea jug was only a buck, but it’s perfect for making delicious tea! It does have a slight leak, but I jam a paper towel in it and it’s fine. 🙂
Not too bad for only a few dollars!
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