I am going through a bit of a fox phase right now and I am enamored with everything that has foxes on it. It is partly because I just like foxes, but also because fall is coming up and foxes remind me of fall (maybe because they are orange? it’s not like foxes don’t live during the other seasons.) This week I was working on making a foxy-phone tote so I decided to look up some other fox items for inspiration. Here are a few that were my favorites.
Origami isn’t technically “decor” but I really loved this little guy so I had to include it. I wouldn’t mind having it sit on my desk!
Can I say how much I love, love, love this. The maker said it was for a wedding gift and I can’t imagine a cuter gift!
He looks like an academic.
These are adorable on their own, but they would make a really sweet mobile for a baby!
How ridiculous is this chandelier? It is ugly, yet I would probably get stabby in order to own it.
I really think I am going to get one of these. I don’t have a place for a door knocker, but I don’t care. There’s a similar one at Anthropologie right now.
I’m assuming you adore Fantastic Mr. Fox? What a cussin’ great movie (and book). PS- I love Quentin Blake’s illustrations in Roald Dahl’s books. Those would be fun/challenging to make into cross stitch patterns. Just sayin’.
Yes, I totally loved that movie! I bought it for Rob but it somehow disappeared in our apartment. I can’t find it anywhere!
I love your comments, Rachel, they are always so helpful and awesome. I should totally make fox embroideries from those illustrations. Maybe a cute little pillow.
It’s only August but I am in full-on fall mode and I can’t get enough stuff that’s in fall colors. : )
Oh yay! I’m glad you think my comments are at least fractionally helpful.
I would love to be able to do half of the things you post on here. I’m trying little things here and there as time/monies permit. If you do make a Roald Dahl fox, I would love to see him.
I think (maybe for the first time ever) that I am ready for summer to be over and fall to begin. I need some pumpkin spice in my life. And dark purple clothing. 🙂