
Retro Glasses

September 8, 2010

When it comes to keeping things that are breakable intact, I’m not so great at it. That’s why I’m always amazed when I see cocktail and drinking glass sets completely intact from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. Apparently, some people are a little better with breakables than myself. Despite my butterfingers, I recently ordered some totally sweet owl cocktail/juice glasses on Etsy and I want to add more cool and quirky glasses to my collection already.

In the meantime, I’m browsing the web for other things I can order and make my own. Here are some of the winners I found. Let’s just hope I can improve my record of holding on to them!

I like these, simple but interesting.

I used to have a whole set of these, now I only have one. Perhaps I’ll have to get more so the one won’t be so lonely.

These even come with a carrier! I neeeed them! A little out of my price range, however.

Mmmm, starbursts. I mean, these are cool.

I’m not sure why I’m so attracted with ones with gold accents. I rarely like gold accents.

That said, I looove these silver leaf ones.

I know these are kinda cheesy, but pumpkins! Yay!

This is a person after my own heart! I want a collection like this!

They’re green and they stack! What more could I ask for?


Roadrunners, awesome. They’re cheesy, but sort of classy too.

I could not want this set more. Plus, it’s called super juice!

These would make my day better, every day.

I have no idea what’s going on on this glasses but I like it.

More owls? Why not?

Nice color combo.

These are very sweet.

I’m totally digging this color combo.

There were a lot of other cool sets but some people don’t like their images being linked, so their loss! Now, just to get the money to buy a few of these!

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1 Comment

  • Reply Angelica September 8, 2010 at 12:29 pm

    Oh! I love this post. I have been following your blog for a little bit now, and I love your take on home decor. These glasses definitely remind me of a set my mom used to have when I was little. I’m sure me and my brothers broke them all, because they are long gone. Great post! You’ve definitely inspired me a little bit today.

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