Since we couldn’t afford to have someone make all of our wedding stationery we decided to do it ourselves. Rather, I asked my graphic designer husband-to-be to do it, and somehow got roped into doing it myself.
I started with a hand-drawn version on paper done in pencil and Prismacolor marker then scanned that version into the computer. Using Gimp (I can’t afford any fancy Photoshop), I filled in the color and cleaned up any lines that needed it. It took an obscenely long amount of time and in all honesty it probably would have been easier to draw it on the computer in the first place. However, I’m not sure that it would have kept its hand-drawn charm that way. This is the final result:
Since we’re doing a bit of a woodland theme, we went with green envelopes and I made a pretty mushroom seal with some clip art.
All in all, I think it turned out pretty cute. Now I just have to tackle making the invitations!
1 Comment
I adore these and love that you did them yourself!