
A To-Do List for the New Year

February 3, 2013

With the new year comes new resolutions and one of mine was to finally tackle the numerous craft, cooking, and personal projects I keep putting off. Easier said than done, but I made a list of things I want to do to help  me keep on track. A month into the year and I haven’t really gotten much done (I’ve had a lot going on at work),  but hopefully I’ll pick up a bit in the coming month. Anyway, here’s some of what I hope to make/learn/do this year!


  • Make my own stuffed animals. I really want to learn how to sew stuffed animals. I haven’t found any great patterns for it, but I think I could figure out how to do it on my own with a little trial and error. I also really want to try out this whale stuffed animal I saw in Pinterest. 
  • Sew a duvet cover for my down throw. I have a down throw blanket that is so incredibly warm and awesome. The problem is that it was never especially cute and now it has a few stains that make it look worse. A nice cover will make it both pretty and functional for the cold winter months.
  • Block print towels. I saw how to do this a few months back in Martha Stewart’s magazine. It seems really easy and looks amazing when it’s done. If I get good, it could be a way to make some art for around the house, too.
  • Porcelain gift tags and ornaments. I found a recipe for homemade porcelain. I thought it would be cool to make some gift tags and ornaments out of it for upcoming holidays and birthdays. Seems like there’s a lot that could be done with that.
  • Custom rubber stamps.  I keep pinning and pinning more examples of how to make rubber stamps. One of these days I’ll actually get around to making my own! It seems like it’s not so hard with the right tools, especially if you stick to simple designs.
  • Converted cookie sheet tray. After seeing this project on Pinterest, I have really been wanting to find an old cookie sheet and turn it into a tray. No luck finding one at the thrift store yet. No luck at finding much of anything at thrift stores lately.
  • Felt tissue holder. Since I have allergies and am always a bit sniffy I usually carry around a mini pack of tissues. I saw a DIY project for a simple felt pouch to house them and I soooo want to make one.
  • More garlands! I still would like to make a couple more garlands out of felt. I never finished one Christmas one I had the supplies for and I wouldn’t mine crafting one with fall leaves, too.
  • Use my bead loom. I got a bead loom as a gift awhile back and I’ve neglected to use it yet. I’d love to make a cool necklace of some sort to wear this summer.
  • Finish embroidery project. A couple of months ago I started embroidering a feather. I really need to finish it!


  • Make ice cream! We got an ice cream maker as a wedding gift and I’ve  never quite gotten around to using it. I really want to though! 
  • Pickle, pickle, pickle. I got a book on pickling for Christmas and I plan to pickle the heck out of some stuff in the coming months.
  • Bake bread. While we live close to an amazing bakery, I’d still like to try making my own. A little boule of some sort!
  • Candy citrus peel. I’ve wanted to do this for a long time but never gotten around to it. Seems like a yummy holiday treat to try.


  • Finally watch The Wire and Breaking Bad. Seriously, guys, I need to catch up. 
  • Plan out our garden. I can’t wait for it to be warm again so we can start planting our garden. We learned a lot from last year and I want to come up with a better plan for planting this year.

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  • Reply mandymunroe February 4, 2013 at 5:28 pm

    Wow, that’s a heck of a list. You wont be sleeping then!

  • Reply Kathy July 10, 2013 at 3:18 am

    Just stumbled across your blog looking for “places to buy fabric.” I love your apartment. So cute! And every project you mention, I’d love to try, too! We must be kindred spirits.

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