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  • Food Life Vintage

    Fall Catch Up

    It has been far too long since I’ve posed an update here. I wish I had an excuse, but honestly I’ve just been putting this aside a bit so I can focus on work…

    December 4, 2012
  • Design Vintage

    New Acquisitions: June Edition

    Summer always means a lot of thrift store and garage sale shopping, and for me, my birthday as well. All of these things mean that I tend to collect a few more household items…

    July 1, 2012
  • Vintage

    Retro Glasses

    When it comes to keeping things that are breakable intact, I’m not so great at it. That’s why I’m always amazed when I see cocktail and drinking glass sets completely intact from the 50’s,…

    September 8, 2010
  • Vintage

    Foxy Decor

    I am going through a bit of a fox phase right now and I am enamored with everything that has foxes on it. It is partly because I just like foxes, but also because…

    August 3, 2010
  • Vintage

    Gone Thrifting: July Edition

    Because I’ve been a champ about working the past few weeks, I’ve had a lot of free time to do things like spend money, eat too much and browse in thrift stores. Very often,…

    July 30, 2010
  • Vintage

    Snail Decor

    There is something I love about snails, however gross it may be to have one leaving a slime trail on you in real life. Must be their slow and steady pace and the homes…

    June 3, 2010