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  • Crafts

    Making Your Own Skinny Jeans

    Because I can’t see the point of spending a ton of money on clothes I’ll only wear for a few months, most of my maternity wear has come from the thrift store. Sometimes, however,…

    August 9, 2013
  • Crafts

    Bedskirt for a Box Springless Bed

    We’re running a little low on space in our tiny apartment (hopefully we’ll finally find a house soon!) so no space can go to waste when it comes to storage. That means that under…

    February 22, 2012
  • Crafts Sewing

    New Life for Old Sweaters

    One of the bad things about having pets is that sometimes the little angels enjoy chewing up your belongings. One of my cats decided to chew a hole through a nice sweater– one that…

    June 2, 2010
  • Crafts Sewing

    Sewing Basic Panel Curtains

    This past week I got productive and finally got around to making some new curtains for my dining room. Despite having never sewed curtains before, I managed to do a good job and the…

    May 25, 2010
  • Crafts

    30 Great Places to Buy Fabric Online

    You can make the greatest stuff with your sewing skills but if you don’t have great fabric to work with your projects just won’t turn out as well. Finding fabric that is perfect for…

    May 10, 2010